Monday, 27 February 2012

Denials ruling our lives

I know its not fair to blame anyone for what happens with your life but you. But then sometimes we just do that anyway for if we dont we end up hurting people we care for and love. 
How do you give up something that was so dear to you, something that was everything that you ever wanted. How does it one day suddenly go obsolete and you reslise you don’t want it anymore. Is it fair? Guess not. OUR indefinite wishes, wants, our doubts, apprehensions..and onus of these falls on others. It definitely isn’t fair.
You know how they say you can lie to others but not yourself.. yes you can’t but then denial is always an option, isn’t it? How we do terrible things and still manage to look at ourselves in the mirror each day without fail. Because from where i see it, we all live in denial. In denial of our failures, our emotions, our own selves. And since we are so used to tipping everybody and everything a cold shoulder, we somehow end up deciding whats best for others, thinking of ourselves as mighty know-it-alls. How principled is that? Whatever happened to morals and selfless love? Are morals anything more than just cautionary tales that we mold and present the way we want to? Is selfless love not so selfless after all? 
I don’t know. But what i do know is, for as long as I am happy and spirited, i can still spread happiness around me in this godforsaken world! And to accomplish that if may be sometimes you end up blaming somebody else, i think its okay. As long as you don’t end up shattering somebody to pieces its alright to just pull yourself out of the mess you made sometimes at the expense of tears which at times you shed at times others. 
Because yes life goes on, it does. And you my friend have to live it. And how does one do that without looking at him/herself in the mirror, without making sure that you look just perfect for this world, eh? So may be, just may be denial as an option isn’t that evil after all. We can’t all be the nicest human beings we know. But the key my friend is to not be the nastiest you know.

Till next time!